12 Weeks Bespoke Online Challenge
Are you ready to take it to the next level, and serious about investing in your future health and mind-set? This is a bespoke online transformation service for women and men who want to get into their prime physical and mental shape.

Bespoke Fitness Classes

Fitness Programme

Physical & Mental Fitness

Friendly Support

Shell Ashley
Weight: was 68.5kg - now 60.55kg
Chest: was 90cm - now 84cm
Waist: was 78cm - now 71.5cm
Hips: was 98cm - now 92cm
Thighs: was 57cm - now 55cm
Upper arms: was 28.5cm - now 26.5cm
"I really didn’t like what I could see in the mirror but instead of being proactive I would use food as a comfort and then beat myself up emotionally for being weak, this has been a cycle most of my adult life but pre-forties never really changed my shape or size so I was complacent. I’ve always been active and exercised but wasn’t seeing any changes. Thanks to Daniel Power and the ultimate transformation I feel like I can finally beat those food demons. I am feeling more confident and quite like the reflection in the mirror, I’ve exceeded my starting goals and other people are noticing my results. It has been a challenge at times on bad days but most days it’s been small changes which are now second nature. Thanks Dan this is definitely a change in my outlook as well as habits."

Ian Appleby
Weight: was 104.6 kg - now 95.9kg (hitting goal weight)
Chest: was 113cm - now 108cm
Belly: was 117cm - 101cm
Hips: was 108cm - now 100cm
Body Fat: was 45mm - now 22mm