Men's, Women's & Mixed Fitness Classes
in Telford and Broseley
Whether you are looking for basic fitness training or more advanced kettlebell training, we have got you covered.
If you are looking for women-only fitness classes, then look no further than POWERcamp Fitness.

Weight Loss Training

Fitness Bootcamp

Personal Training

Kettlebell Training

Muscle Strengthening

Health & Nutrition Advice

Fitness Training

Advanced Boxing

Men’s Fitness Classes
At POWERcamp Fitness, we try to help men become active and enjoy a healthier lifestyle. Our men’s fitness classes are perfect for men who are not ready for gym-based workouts. We also offer free taster sessions, if you want to try first and then decide whether you want to join. Feel free to contact us to discuss your fitness goals. Our training takes place at Dale End Park, Ironbridge, TF8 7NJ.
Online programs offered
POWERcamp Fitness provides outdoor fitness classes, as well as an online programme. If you are willing to enroll yourself for some online fitness training programs, then contact our team for details.
Women’s Fitness Classes
At POWERcamp Fitness, we offer fun and engaging training sessions in a relaxed and supportive environment. Our fitness classes are designed to cover training on fitness, nutrition and general well-being. Our trained instructors are always there to support you. For details, speak to us today.
Training in the comfort of your home
If you want personal one-to-one training in the comfort of your home, we can help. We can provide a personal fitness trainer who can visit your home to train you. For details, contact us today.

Mixed gender fitness classes
At POWERcamp Fitness, we offer fun and engaging training sessions for men and women to help them enjoy a healthier lifestyle. Our fitness training sessions are conducted in a relaxed and supportive environment and are designed to cover training on fitness, nutrition and general well-being. Feel free to contact us to discuss your fitness goals.
Fitness programmes tailored to your requirements
If you are not ready for gym-based workouts, then we can provide you with outdoor fitness classes that are perfect for both men and women. We also offer free test sessions. So, if you want to try a few sessions before joining, we can find the right training sessions for you. We can also provide you with personal one-to-one training in the comfort of your home. Our personal fitness trainers will visit your home to train you. For details, contact us today.